RE: [SLUG] Hey, what's this all about???

From: diego henao (
Date: Sun Apr 02 2000 - 17:52:44 EDT

The word "free" catchs many interests. I think for free I will receive a
kick. I think you cannot speak about something you have never used
before. The only way you can speak about something is when you at least
have used that once.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Ed
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Hey, what's this all about???

Reminds me of a phrase I've heard all my life: Fools and their money
are soon parted.


Carson Wilcox wrote:

> I go along with all that is said here. Also I would
> add that costing money isn't bad for another reason.
> My current client has a lot of Unix systems, Solaris
> and HP/UX and probably others that I dont' know about.
> At least one reason they will not at least give Linux
> a try is that it is "free". I can't really explain
> that but I believe the attitude is that if it is
> "free" it can't be good. Go figure.
> Carson
> --- steve <> wrote:


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