Re: [SLUG] Project assistance...

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 08:08:45 EDT

> Hello out there!
> I want to create a gradebook type program using (insert product or
> programming language here). I have some great ideas for some really cool
> programs, but I don't have the technical ability to transform my ideas into
> useable products. I would like to propose these ideas to ??? , with the hope
> that someone will look at that and help me get going with these ideas that
> I've got. The question is, where do I start? Where do I ask for help? I
> realize that people aren't going to just flock to my projects like they did
> with the Linux kernel, but hopefully someone will show up and say, "sure,
> I'll help with that."
> Anybody have any ideas on this?
> Russell
> - --

One good starting-point is to jot-down your ideas in a modelling tool.
Twenty years ago, this might have been a flowchart. Today, I would pick
UML (Unified Modelling Language). UML is sort-of like
"Entity-Relationship Diagrams" from the database world, but UML is
focused on Object-Oriented programming.

Forget about OO for a minute, you can use UML to model the real-world
objects that you care about (e.g. Teacher, Student, Course,
HomeWorkAssignment, Exam, etc.) You can use a UML "Class Diagram" to
show the Attributes (Lastname, Firstname, GPA, etc) and Operations
(functions/methods) that pertain to each class of Object. Don't worry
about learning UML, just use the tools as you see fit.

The free software package called 'Dia' (should come with all modern
distros) has UML templates for doing Class Diagrams. I am not pushing
UML as some optimal magic methodology; it is just a pretty-good notation
for modelling Objects. The basic Class Diagram that you create can help
all of the team members to understand your ideas and discuss the system.

You can email the Dia document, or a PS or PDF version, to prospective
team members so they can see what they might be getting themselves into.


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