RE: [SLUG] Concerning Sarasota meeting avail

From: Mikes work account (
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 08:06:26 EDT

The previous Sarasota location was available the last time I talked with the
people at Certification Inc on Wood Street. I mentioned that on the list
but no one picked up on it, seems everyone was just to busy looking for a
hidden reason for the offer or they had their own agenda. That particular
location was the closest available for both Bradenton, Sarasota and Venice,
and at the time it seemed to work well even though I was able to attend only
one meeeting.

I have been told that in the not to distant future, I will be taken 'off'
the road and at that time I can again offer my services to host a meeting on
a regular basis.

If someone want's to offer to be one of perhaps three or four 'hosts' I
would again offer my services as one of the hosts. More than one host will
allow for the preparation of a program each month without stessing any one
person. Frankly, I am only interested on focusing on the workstation aspect
of Linux. Others can do the Server and networking issues.

Michael C. Rock

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Austin
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 10:58 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Concerning Sarasota meeting avail

There is a definite desire for a Sarasota Linux meeting. I would love to
see something farther south, towards Venice even. ;)

Austin Theen, Network Engineer Office 941.486.1732
Penguin Development, LLC Mobile 941.928.9424
100 West Venice Avenue, Suite H, Venice Florida 34285

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark []
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 3:51 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Concerning Sarasota meeting avail

Is there still a need for a Sarasota meeting location?

| Mark Bishop ( | Computer Engineer |
| 813-253-2197 | Network Engineer |
| | Embedded Programmer |

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