[SLUG] Possible solution to the RedHat vs. SuSE controversy

From: Smitty (a.smitty@verizon.net)
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 22:53:23 EDT

May I suggest that BOTH distros be utilized for install on the school
desktops. It may occur that RH won't recognize some hardware. If so, install
SuSE. Or, just do half RH and half SuSE and let the students who use them
determine which they like the best. Why MUST it be one or the other?

I really think Dave Meyer had the misfortune of speaking with an ignorant
twit who would be better utilized sweeping floors and washing windows at
RedHat. This guy evidently did not understand the difference between GPL'd
material and RH's trademarks, which need to be scrupulously protected to keep
them enforceable.

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