On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 20:45, Matthew Moen wrote:
> I'm assuming you're talking about having popups on a linux terminal.
> (There's some mechanism with smbclient to do this with windows.) For
> *nix, you can use xmessage (man xmessage), but you'll need to have
> access rights to the X-server you want to pop ups on. Check your
> distro's documentation on enabling that.
> Thus spake patrick grantham on the 25 day of the 06 month in the year 2002:
> > I use vnc (when the wife boots me off the box) to use my Linux box sometimes.
> > Is there a way to send a pop-up message to anuther terminal (without using
> > email.)?
To send a message to another Unix terminal:
$ who
yourwife pts/0 Jun 25 16:47 (localhost)
$ echo "message" | write yourwife
If that user is logged in multiple times, you may specify a specific
terminal to use:
$ who
yourwife pts/0 Jun 25 16:47 (localhost)
yourwife pts/1 Jun 25 16:48 (localhost)
yourwife pts/2 Jun 25 16:49 (localhost)
$ echo "message" | write yourwife pts/1
Your wife may stop any writes to her pty (/dev/pts/1, or whatever it
might be) with:
$ mesg n
Which does little more than:
$ chmod g-w `tty`
effectively removing group write permission to her pty (/dev/pts/1).
If you are root, you can send a Write ALL (wall) to everyone on the
system telling them of something critical that is going to happen.
$ echo 'System needs to reboot in 1 hour, sorry' | wall
Those are both old-school Unix commands.
If you wish to pop up an X-window box, Matthew is right. The easiest
(and most generally available) method is to use xmessage. The trick,
however, is to set your display appropriately and login as her:
$ su - root
# su - yourwife -c xmessage -display :0.0 0 \
-nearmouse "What about dinner?"
This requires that:
1. You know the display yourwife is using (:0.0)
2. You have root on the box.
3a. You can "become" yourwife
3b. Your wife's display is open to the world
3c. You can read yourwife's ~/.Xauthority file
If yourwife leaves her keyboard unattended, this opens her display up
for anyone in the world to connect to:
$ xhost +
If you have read-permission to yourwife's ~/.Xauthoritfy file:
$ xauth merge ~yourwife/.Xauthority
$ xmessage -display :0.0
If you just want to see what she's doing, you can spy on her with:
$ xwd -root -display :0.0 | xwud
Or, if you're really obstinate, you can use x0rfbserver and
remote-control her running X11 desktop with VNC:
ObDisclaimer: I am not responsible for putting you in the doghouse.
- Ian C. Blenke <icblenke@nks.net>
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