Re: [SLUG] *NOT LINUX RELATED* -- paper airplane?

From: Glen (
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 13:10:25 EDT

I haven't found it yet, but if I do, I'll probably scan the template and
instructions that were in the mag... though not, of course, for public
dissemination (big legal issue there - can't be a hypocrite and have a double
standard for this stuff and GPL'd stuff), but I'm sure that if I mention I
found it, an interested party or two might be able to get me to pass key info
along as long as they don't force me to take money from them for it... ;)


On Tuesday 25 June 2002 09:31 pm, you wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 06:12:12PM -0400, Glen wrote:
> > Hey all -- I'm looking for a paper airplane from a REALLY old copy of
> > Omni magazine - in an issue from around '81 - '84. The thing could not
> > stall, and would not crash into the ground no matter how hard you threw
> > it (it was good enough to get a little attention from Los Alamos, I
> > believe). My dad had a subscription way back when but I think those
> > copies are long gone.
> >
> > Anybody here have any of those old issues, or remember the one I'm
> > talking about?
> Ahem, I should have piped up sooner, but I kept forgetting.
> You know, Glen, now that you've piqued our interest, you'll have to let
> us know if you find this thing....
> Paul

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