Re: [SLUG] Zope Presentation

From: Pat Morris (
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 08:50:39 EDT

Russell, you did a great job with a quick introduction to Zope - I'm going to download it and try it out.
I do, however, have a question about this - I was wondering, if I set up a Zope site, and wanted to convert it to a non-Zope site (lets say the company made this a business decision) do you have any idea of how hard it would be to convert? -Thanks -Pat
Russell Hires wrote:-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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On Wednesday 09 October 2002 22:49 pm, you wrote:
> Thanks to Russell Hires for his Zope presentation tonight. And thanks to
> Tom Ufer for coming through with a projector. I have a feeling that to
> truly grok all of Zope, we'd need about six months worth of meetings.
> ;-}
> Paul

I think such a group of meetings would do me about as much good as anybody
else! :-) I got that people understood things I didn't just by looking at the
code in some of the examples, in two minutes, no less! There are Zope users
groups out there, but I don't know if there are enough people or is enough
interest for a Zope user group here, though...


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