>>Ronan, too bad I already made plans earlier. What's that site called
>>with the schedule? I'd like to put it repeating far ahead on my
>>planner so I can religiously make these things.
The site is slashdot.meetup.com (meetup.com seems to exist to facilitate
this kind of event for many different groups/cliques). The Slashdot
MEETUP is the 4th Thursday of every month at 7pm. The venue changes
(you can vote on it at the web site). This date/time is the same for
the entire world, so the Los Angeles, London, Tokyo Slashdot MEETUPs are
the same day as ours, but it is always 7pm local time.
Seven people RSVP'ed last night's meetup, but it looks like no one
showed (unless they were more than 40 minutes late). We have had 2 good
meetups and 2 dud-ish meetups. If this keeps up, the Tampa Slahsdot
MEETUPs will just shrivel up and die. Maybe if we get 20 RSVPs, we will
have a sustainable event even if there is a high per-person failure rate.
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