Re: [SLUG] How to switch from Twm back to KDE???

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 11:09:51 EST

> Just painted myself into a corner.
> Checked out Twm and can't find anyway to reconfig system so that KDE is
> default desktop - how do you do it?

Are you using KDM as the login manager (your computer boots-up to a
graphical login screen?) If so, you must do these steps IN ORDER when
you get the graphical login prompt:
    1) enter username
    2) enter password
    3) choose "KDE" from the dropdown list
    4) click OK

If you choose KDE and then enter your username or password, your
decision to use KDE (or whatever other dropdown you selected) is
ignored! (at least with the KDM that comes with KDE 2.00.00).


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