Re: [SLUG] Brandon Meeting - Best costume wins a prize!

Date: Thu Oct 31 2002 - 15:59:32 EST

Sorry Folks the Meeting is next Thursday not tonight which means that the
costumes out : (

Also next week the Swap meet.
Bill Preece

----- Original Message -----
From: "Norbert Cartagena" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Brandon Meeting - Best costume wins a prize!

> Hey guys:
> Just a remonder about the meeting going on tonight at 8PM at the brandon
> barnes and Noble. Among the topics covered tonight will be Linux and the
> Job market (and why you should move to the Dakotas), Hardware fun for
> all ages, and more.
> In addition to the customary raffles, anyone who comes in with an Open
> source related costume* will recieve a free raffle ticket. The best
> costume (provided there are any) will recieve a free raffle prize of
> their choosing!**
> *Note: Dressing up as an open source personality does not entail a
> costume unless you go out of your way to look like them. ie. No Linus or
> ESR costumes, but I MIGHT accept an RMS costume, if you get the breard
> right. This, of course will also be at mine and Bill's discretion.
> ** Void where prohibited. Raffle ticket purchase not necessary, subject
> to tax in AK, HI, WI, and PR. See Message header for more details.

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