Re: [SLUG] Possible St Pete meetings?

From: Russell Hires (
Date: Thu Nov 07 2002 - 10:08:31 EST

Hash: SHA1

On occasion I make myself go to the Dunedin meeting since I'm not able to go
to the Tampa meeting, since I work at night. How far is the St Pete library
from Largo, anyway?

SLUG is non-profit (or'll get this if you've been
following the KDE League/Missing money story), although I don't see anything
"official" about this on the SLUG website...there's an accounting of what
happens with the money on the SLUG website, if you're interested.

The money does pay for things, like the trip to Tampa that they guy from
Linux International made...I can't remember his name, and the site is
down for now...meanwhile, back at the ranch...I'm all over this email.

So bye for now!

On Thursday 07 November 2002 09:32 am, you wrote:
> I called the library and you can only use them if are a non-profit
> organization.
> Is the slug non-profit? or is the raffle money going to buy illicit copies
> of windows software!?
> If I find a place in Saint Pete to hold the meetings, will anyone show up?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James Miller" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Brandon Meeting This Thursday.
> > The St Pete Public Library (Main Branch) is always looking to have
> groups
> > use their rooms. (Something about getting more money from the City if
> > more people using them...) They have 3 meeting rooms, one of which is a
> > fully-fitted auditorium. All you have to do is fill out a form and
> request
> > the room you want. They get picky about how far ahead you can reserve
> > the rooms, but other than that, they're easy to work with.
> >
> > > Seriously, the only thing stopping St Pete meetings is someone to
> > > reliably run them. Naturally, you need a place to meet, but it's more
> > > important to have someone stable there who's willing to show up and run
> > > things month after month.
> > >
> > > Paul

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