[SLUG] Confusing music ?

From: Mark Banschbach (mrbear37@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Nov 07 2002 - 10:33:08 EST

Iffin you would really like to be confused..
   In the 1700's There was a movement to teach the
musically unlearned to sing with only 4 syllables and
also notes that had 4 shapes to correspond to the 4
syllables. This method was used to teach singing and
although it had followers across the US due to
westward expansion, it was not thought to gain the
same popularity of the 7 syllable scale.

  This came to be known as Shape Note Singing, also
known as Sacred Harp singing as most of this type of
singing was done in rural churches. Today, in nearly
every state in the union, this form of singing
survives even today.

  THe 4 syllables were Fa-So- La- and Mi. Shapes were
rectangles, diamonds,circles, triangles.. one group
sings right here in the bay area east of Waimauma.

  And in order to keep this Linux related.. would like
to know if anyone has attempted any type of linux
sound recording ?




--- Matthew Moen <mattlists@younicks.org> wrote:
> Thus spake gnorb@tampabay.rr.com on the 07 day of
> the 11 month in the year 2002:
> > In some music systems, "H" is actually the note
> "B." I remember once getting
> > confused because of some scales I was practicing
> in a Carl Flesch book and when
> > I went to do a B minor scale, it called it
> "H-moll."
> Huh. That's strange. You'd expect if they were
> using the letter "H" it
> would be a replacement for "A". Perhaps someone
> whose last name started
> with H had a complex? I'm guessing there's a better
> musical explination
> for this.
> --
> Matthew Moen

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