Re: [SLUG] Linux distributions

From: Prasun Gupta (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 16:17:55 EST

I need to install a package which requires a generic kernel.
I have a machine that has IDE bus with scsi controller card and harddrive is scsi. For some
reason after trying numerous times with all kinds of changes, the machine would hang at bootup
at the point of

NET4 was installed
I was never able to progress ahead of that...

On the same machine, I have redhat 8.0 running, and I had absolutely no problem installing it...
So, I felt maybe, if I could find a installer, or a distribution, then maybe I could have a generic kernel
installed without any problem !!!!!!!


Quoting Jason Copenhaver <>:

> Hey Prasun,
> Why do you need the generic kernel? And what kind of problem are
> you having building yours..
> Jason
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Prasun Gupta wrote:
> > I needed to have a build of the generic kernel, but I am not able to build
> it successfully for my
> > machine.. For some reason...
> >
> > I wanted to know if there is a standard linux ditribution, whose kernel is
> very much like the generic
> > kernel. e.g. slackware, redhat, etc...
> >
> > Or else, is there any installer for the generic kernel, which can basically
> do the installation on the
> > machine...
> >
> >
> > Any pointers or help will be appreciated...
> >
> > --
> > Prasun Gupta, Systems Analyst
> > Ringling School of Art and Design
> > (941)359-7573
> >
> >
> >

Prasun Gupta, Systems Analyst
Ringling School of Art and Design

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