RE: [SLUG] Transgaming Winex

From: Craig Zeigler (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 07:49:53 EST

It will be a great thing when the Linux community finally conquers
games. That is the one thing that is keeping many people from dumping
Winders entirely. I still have it for Counter-Strike, Diablo II, and
Grant Theft Auto III.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mario Lombardo []
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Transgaming Winex

I use it to play American McGee's Alice from EA Games. It works just
fine though I've found there are missing textures in some places. I
would warn you to look at the games list and see how many of your
favorites are working. Currently, you may need Windows just to
install the game. There are more problems with the installer than
with actually running the games (weird). Winex supposedly does the
best job for 3D gaming on Linux. I notice about a 20-30% decrease in
performance while playing in winex on top of Linux.

There is a games foundry at sourceforge:
If you have LucasArts games, you may be able to play them with the
freely available Scumm virtual machine. I've never tried it.


>Has any body tried Transgaming Winex? I am considering it and would
>like reviews. Thank You

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