Re: [SLUG] slug webblog

From: btt (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 16:23:53 EST

> All right...who's the guilty party who sent the gist of this
> crazy thread in as a question to Ask Slashdot? ;-)

Yeah! Some nerve, that guy. At least he didn't post a link
to the SLUG site and cause the slashdot effect... So he
can't be all bad.

Um, Ok..

They edited the title a bit and threw the context off. The
original title was, I believe, "weblogs suited for LUG use?"
which in my mind would suggest the question "ARE weblogs
quited for LUG use?" but alas... my original title doesn't
really ask the question too well either.

I really like the "Why not have a BBS?" answer. IMHO, that's
the best one. The rest just kind of say, "Check this out,
check that out." and there's the guy heckling the guy who
suggested Slashcode. That's the 2nd best. :)))

> Thus spake Aaron Steimle on the 11 day of the 12 month in
> the year 2002:
>> Was this something that people would be interested in. If
>> so, I was going to get some space at phpwebhosting. I would
>> have no trouble putting something like that up. I might need
>> help actually setting it up. I wouldn't mind doing it as
>> long as people would use it.

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