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On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 15:56, John Clay wrote:
> What would 'yall recommend as a Linux based replacement for Access? It
> will need to have a nice gui and be able to import/export from/to Access
> in it's various incarnations.
You're asking several different questions:
"What's a good replacement for the front-end database GUI thingie you
_g_e_t_ with Access"
"What's a good replacement database for Access?"
"How can I export/import from/to Access and something else?"
For the former question, I've used TOra for accessing Oracle databases
in the past, and it supposedly has MySQL and PostgreSQL support in the
latest incarnation, but it's more of a "query workspace" than any sort
of GUI designer app; there are a number of those out there that I've
seen, but I don't really know much about any them, since I don't use
I would choose PostgreSQL or MySQL for the database back-end, depending
on what sort of capabilities you need. In the past, MySQL has been
"blazingly faster" than PostgreSQL by huge margins, but in stuff I've
been doing at work lately, I've discovered that PostgreSQL has caught up
almost across-the-board with MySQL in speed, and there are things
PostgreSQL can do much faster than MySQL, particularly when it comes to
complex queries.
MySQL and PostgreSQL both have ODBC drivers available, so whatever you
use, you should be able to use ODBC to export from your Access database
and import into whatever you're using to replace it.
Keep in mind through all of this though that Access is to MySQL or
PostgreSQL, roughly as Notepad is to vi or Emacs. Access is designed to
"point and click" your way into having a silly little file-based
database while MySQL and PostgreSQL are standalone SQL database servers
which can and do hold millions of records and support thousands of
concurrent users.
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