[SLUG] RH 8.0, 7.3, 7.2 - Just newer versions of components or are these vastly different animals?

From: John Clay (john.clay@lfr.com)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 10:32:14 EST

Context: Differences between 98, NT, Win2K and XP seem fundamental -
different core OS, some file locations are different, Active Dir/No AD,
even different gui for some reason - these products don't seem to be
refinements of the previous product. I don't know many details (We're NT
shop) but it seems that some of the core design ideas are different.

When, say, RH (or anyone else really) issues a new Linux release, make
my day and tell me that they don't fundamentally change the product
framework like MS. I assume that the new version is fundamentally
unchanged and is a suite of newer/improved versions of existing
components as well as a different mix of "extra software". I feel sure
that this must be the case but I'd sure like to get confirmation from a
person more knowledgeable than I.


John Clay

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