> What is the best way to configure a shortcut in the Gnome menu that will
> allow a regular user to shutdown the system, similar to the way it's
> done in Windows?
> I'm using Debian 3, stable, and gnome 1.4
Couple ways are possible: could give users sudo access to /sbin/reboot, then have your shortcut call `sudo /sbin/reboot` , or you could set the suid bit (chmod 4755) on /sbin/halt (/sbin/reboot is a link to /sbin/halt on my system), then have your script call /sbin/reboot. This second way would allow any user to halt or reboot the system in any way supported by halt, while the first way would only allow users to reboot. There are approx. 52 other ways to do this, but these are the first two that occurred to me. Speaking of gnome, doesn't GDM have a selection that lets you shut down once you're logged out? Or are you not using GDM?
> While I'm at it, how do I update gnome? I type
> apt-get update gnome
> as root, but that doesn't seem to do it...
apt-get update, to update the list of packages of which your system is aware
apt-get install gnome, if you only want to upgrade gnome (and its dependencies/dependents), or
apt-get upgrade, to upgrade all your packages for which there are newer versions
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