Re: [SLUG] Can't find drivers for CS4236b sound card

From: Mike Manchester (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 06:16:37 EST

Hi Paul,
Good to see you here. Here's part of a post Ian had posted a couple of
weeks ago when I was having problems with my thinkpad's sound. You may
want to check them out.

There are a few different sound drivers to consider:

1. FreeOSS
        Built into your Linux kernel
        If your soundcard is supported, it doesn't hurt to try
these first.
        For users willing to try something new, ALSA is where you should
3. OSS - Commercial greatly improved form of FreeOSS
        For users that have issues getting their sound to work,
        I recommend paying for a license.

Mike M.

On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 05:42, Paul Aitken wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a linux newbie and just found out what a LUG was, from anothing
> Linux user. He told me that I should talk to my local LUG about some of
> the issues I am having .
> OK, I have a CS4236B sound card Linux does NOT detect it. I
> downloaded OSS, but as you users know, it is pretty much 'shareware'
> (OSS Lasts 3 hrs, then shuts off. After a week it will last 20 minutes,
> then shut off. I am not willing to pay $20.00 to buy OSS). I was
> wondering if there was another solution to this?
> Thanks,
> Paul

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