I have an IBM Netfinity 5000 box with RH7.2. I have a raid
configuration with a raid controller card ( not software raid). When I
add an IDE drive to the box, the system tries to boot from the IDE hard
drive no matter what I do. I need to add a SCSI hard drive as my boot
device and use that rather than use the raid configuration as the boot
device. In my bios there is a scsi preference switch and I believe that
means that if I add a scsi device to the system scsi channel ( not the
raid chanel) then I should be able to boot from that non raid scsi
device. IN addition I believe that the IDE drive could then be used as
data storage and would not longer be called on as the boot device.
The question I have is if I do that and it boots correctly, can I keep
my boot information on the raid device and use it if the initial boot
device screws up and doesn't boot? Or will it mess with its brain
because some of my environment variables will be pointing to the wrong
device. Of course I would have to change the scsi preference switch back
to off. Or should I just wipe the original boot device and keep it as
additional data storage?
Or as an associate has pointed out,, has my brain just overloaded and I
need help?
Michael C. Rock
Systems Analyst
Registered Linux User # 287973
"The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,,"
"Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"
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