Re: [SLUG] backup solution

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sun Mar 23 2003 - 02:07:47 EST

On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 09:20:52PM -0500, ethan zimmerman wrote:

> what's the best way to backup my home linux box? I want to create a disk
> image and then make incremental backups regularly (to CD-R). Is there a
> good program to do this? Should this be done with tar? help?

I can't speak to a specific backup solution; there have been several
discussions of that in the past, and I don't use this type of solution
(I rsync to a backup drive on a different machine). However, tar is not
a great solution. A tar file is basically one big file that's a
concatenation of the files you're tarring together (more or less). The
problem is that if there's something wrong with the tar file in the
middle, the rest of the archive becomes useless.

You might try searching for "CD backup". Just a thought.


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