[SLUG] Linux and Vidio News

From: Frank Roberts - SOTL (sotl155360@earthlink.net)
Date: Sat Mar 29 2003 - 09:25:05 EST

Hi All

I don't know how I did it; if it came with Mandrake 9.0 or more probable if I
installed it which is what I think I did but if I did I forgot when or how
but I have Real Player G2 installed on my Thinkpad and more amassing it works
sort of and I guess it did from the first but then one would have a hard time
ascertain that it did or did not.

The sort of part is most interesting. I can click on the icon initiating
realplayer which will immediately start but then I can not connect to any of
the listed sites in the directory nor do I have sound. So after installing (I
think) I forgot about it.

Weeks go by in which just for the heck of it I attempted video from the likes
of ABC and CBS. I always refused to go to MSNBC as I sort suspected all sort
of horrible things would happen to my Linux box.

Anyway the other day I observed a video icon on BBC
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi.html so I clicked on it to see what would happen.
Amazingly realplayer came up and even more amusingly I had news video and
sound. Videos usually last about 15 minutes.

Well that got me to start playing with the realplayer. It seams that I can not
connect to the BBC from the list of previously visited sites but if I take
the URL and place it in the open URL box the BBC will come up but there is no
sound. Strange.

Not to be deterred I did a Goggle search for Video News sites and ran across
this listing http://wwitv.com/portal.htm which lead me to ABC Broadband and
their Worldwide News at http://www.abc.net.au/broadband/

I realized that this was an Australian site from the URL but what I did not
realize at first was that ABC stood for Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Seems that there are at least two ABC televisions networks.

Well since the Australian ABC worked what of the US ABC? Don't know. All I
know is that they want to charge me $9.95 for what I can get from the
Australians for free.

But this open up the question of what of CBS? Well CBS says my browsers
Konqueror and Galen are of the wrong vintage so they immediately transfer me
to MS for an updated version. Since I did think MS worked under Linus I
declined the invitation to install but now some of the wheels are turning. So
it was off to MSNBC. Now MSNBC didn't even ask it just started video update.
Funny part is I was beginning to believe from the way the computer was acting
that MS software may actually run under Linus but of course that proved to be
only a mirage.

Now to me the more interesting question is why does realplayer work when the
BBC icon is clicked, loads and shows video without sound if the URL is
directly entered, and completely refuses to connect if the book-marked sites
are accessed.



PS. If anyone knows of any other realplayer sites that work please post or
send off list.


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