Re: [SLUG] Florida's Super-DMCA bill

From: Russ Wright (
Date: Sun Mar 30 2003 - 20:17:28 EST

Can someone post the text of the bill? My connections keeps resetting
everytime I contact the website.


On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 15:20, Robin 'Roblimo' Miller wrote:
> So I look at the bills currently wending their way through the FL
> legislature that would outlaw NAT/firewalls/VPNs on cable and phone-line
> ISPs (in other words, all Inernet connections this side of a T-1). I
> try to email my state senator and legislator about them, but the emails
> bounce from their crappy Windows severs.
> Sick. Legislators too stupid to have working email are voting on
> Internet-related bills.
> Guess I'll call them tomorrow on the phone. I will use small words.
> Don't want to confuse the poor cretins.
> - Robin

Russ Wright <>

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