Re: [SLUG] Current SCO/IBM developments

From: Kenneth W Hansen (
Date: Tue Jun 03 2003 - 19:04:09 EDT

  I just don't see any way this can really go
anywhere. First of all, "if" there was/is an
infringement, I'm sure SCO has known for quite some
time, if not all along. That in itself should kill
their rights to bring legal action.
  Secondly, even if this seems to make headway in the
legal system, I don't believe the Linux users can be
held accountable/responsible as SCO claims. If a
customer uses a "legitimate" product provided by a
"ligitimate" provider in good faith, whether or not an
actual monetary fee has been paid, I think the actual
liability falls solely on the provider. The customer
is not responsible for tearing apart any products they
are considering to see if it contains anything
  Also, I don't see where any court would order or
cause the dismanteling of established business systems
based on this type of action. Worst case, IF SCO's
claims were upheld, I believe businesses would be
given a grace period to decide whether to obtain a new
license or change to another O/S. Then each and every
version of Linux would have to be torn open and
inspected for "infringements".
  Overall, I tend to agree with the idea that MS had a
hand in this. They have the bankroll and the motive. I
don't think that they really think they can win, I
think they're just trying to give Linux a black eye to
keep from losing customers, in light of all the
controversy about their new licensing and price hikes.
SCO really has nothing to gain that I can see, other
than maybe trying to extort some hush money.

--- Robin 'Roblimo' Miller <> wrote:
> Kenneth W Hansen wrote:
> >For anyone interested in the (almost boring now)
> >saga...
> >(My apologies if this is redundant - I've not had a
> >lot of email time lately...)
> >
> >
> >
> The thing is, because of the NDA no journalists,
> analysts or programmers
> can look at their code without possible legal or
> ethical problems if
> they choose to write about it or, in the case of
> programmers, write
> around it.
> So far analysts and journalists are turning down
> their offer in droves.
> I have myself.
> - Robin

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