Check out for decent coverage of all things Linux, including bash scripting.
Also, the Advanced Bash Scripting HOWTO (at among many other places) is also helpful,
even for a beginner. By 'advanced', it means anything more complicated than a simple series of
I'm sure there's more (and probably better) out there, but that should give you a start.
As for patching, what are you interested in? Creating? Applying? The basic process is pretty
simple: patch sourcefile patchfile. As for an online resource, it's probably covered in rute as
good luck!
--- "Robert E. Schaefer" <> wrote:
> does anyone know of any good recourses for source patching whether it
> kernel or application based patching. Also does anyone know of any
> online resources for bash scripting for the beginner.
> --
> Robert E.Schaefer MCSE CCSP
> Sr. Engineer
> CS-Security.Net
> 727-641-6902
> Palm Harbor Fl
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature name=signature.asc
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