[SLUG] Contivity Client for Linux

From: Steven Buehler (sbuehle1@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 11:53:47 EDT

Does anyone know of a client for Nortel Contivity that runs on Linux *BESIDES*
the rebranded NetLock one that Nortel issues? That one causes a kernel panic
in Mandrake 9.1 upon compile and install and brings the entire system
crashing down (which is RARE for a Linux box!).

I'm aware that FreeSWAN works with Contivity but it requires static
information on both ends. I have to be able to enter a username, PIN, and
SecurID tag (which changes every 60 seconds) on each connection attempt.

Certicom makes a great client in Movian VPN for Palm-Powered devices and
Pocket PC (I use it on my Sony Clie over a GRPS conncetion with my
SonyEricsson T68i), but they don't seem to make one for Linux.

Steven W. Buehler | <steven@sanctuaryweb.org>
Web: <http://www.sanctuaryweb.org> | <http://renaitre.iuma.com>
2-Way Pager: <8636027676@mobile.att.net>
Sent from an IBM ThinkPad running Mandrake Linux 9.1

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