[SLUG] My 2 cents to Mr. Bethune

From: Steven Buehler (sbuehle1@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 13:20:45 EDT

The following went out in today's mail along with a copy of the article. My father-in-law has been a pilot with Continental since 1969.


June 12, 2003

Mr. Gordon M. Bethune Chairman & CEO CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. 1600 Smith St Houston, TX 77002

Mr. Bethune:

As the son-in-law of a 34-year Continental Airlines employee, I have had several opportunities to enjoy the above-par service that your company is well-known for. In addition to this, however, I am also a user of “open-source” computer operating systems, including Linux, and am deeply disturbed by the recently published comments of your Managing Director, Mr. Nathan Hanks.

In an article headlined “Microsoft Launches New Security Certification” and published on TechWeb, June 3, 2003, a copy of which is enclosed for your convenience, Mr. Hanks was quoted as stating the following concerning Linux and other Open-Source users:

Nathan Hanks, managing director at Continental Airlines, said, “All the guys hackingWindows are Linux guys.” Continental was hit hard by SQL Slammer and “our CEO said we’d failed,” Hanks said. (¶10)

Having one vendor throat to choke is helpful in crisis situations, Hanks said. An IT pro can’t go to the CEO and say that a server is down, “and hopefully some guy in Amsterdam” will get to a fix when he gets back from the “dope house,” he said. (¶14)

I have been a user of Linux for the past few years as a primary desktop operating system because of its superior versatility and customization capability, as well as its rock-solid stability—something that cannot be said about Microsoft Windows, which I also use side-by-side with Linux. It is no surprise that your company, as well as the one I work for, were hit hard by such viruses as “SQL Slammer,” because, as stated toward the beginning of this article, “A whopping 95 percent of hacking exploits occur after patches are published. . . . The infamous SQL Slammer worm, for example, weaked its havoc shortly after a patch for it was made available” (¶3, emphasis mine). Had the appropriate patches been applied as they were released, neither Continental nor the company I work for would have sufferred the damages caused by “SQL Slammer” or other viruses that exploit security holes in Microsoft’s operating systems.

As an open-source software user, I find the comments of your managing director, Mr. Hanks, to be ignorant, arrogant, and bigoted toward the open-source community. Such comments further serve to paint a negative image toward your company by the open-source community. I am a Linux user. I have neither the technical expertise nor the skill to “hack” Windows, nor do I have the desire to do so. Your employee’s comments serve to paint everyday Linux/open-source users such as myself as criminals and hackers, which is patently false and ignorant of the facts.

As a member of the open-source community, I strongly encourage you to instruct Mr. Hanks as a representative of the company to issue an open, public apology to the open-source/Linux community for his short-sighted remarks, or at a minimum to distance your company from such ignorance. Already today I have received several emails from fellow open-source community members who are now thinking twice about flying with your airline because of Mr. Hanks’ remarks. As word of this article spreads, it will not surprise me if the open-source community sponsors a full boycott of your company and its services as it is currently attempting to do with SCO over its frivolous lawsuit against IBM over the Linux operating system.

I await your company’s response.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven W. Buehler

encl: 1

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