RE: [SLUG] Unix code disclaimer, and this SCO debacle

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Tue Jun 17 2003 - 11:12:06 EDT

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 10:18, Levi Bard wrote:
> Well, it's every developer's responsibility not to submit code that is not
> his/her own, regardless whether the code is going into an open-source
> product or not. (Although, if nobody sees the source of your product,
> it's easy to get away with using large blocks of code in a manner contrary
> to its license, as certain monopolistic corporations have been alleged to
> have done.)

Does that mean I'm not the only k00k out here who firmly believes
Microsoft has all sorts of GPL/OSS code in their products?

We _know_ they have BSD-licensed code I am firmly convinced that they
have a whole lot more than just BSD code in there, whether it's on
purpose or accidentally. People can't see the code, and most of their
programmers come right out of college with little to no real
experience. Why shouldn't they cut-n-paste some code if it's already
out there, and even if they found out, why should Microsoft care?
Nobody is EVER going to see that code, and if anyone ever makes a claim
and tries to have it legally disclosed, they have enough money to sue
them and their ancestors and descendents into oblivion to prevent anyone
from disclosing the code that might prove it.

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