Re: [SLUG] XBox in Sarasota

From: Eric Jahn (
Date: Fri Jun 20 2003 - 13:02:03 EDT

I won't buy a new xbox. In fact this whole project tees off Microsoft
to the extent that they continually alter the design of the Xbox to
prevent exploits like this, so old boxes are better. The TV-out card is
an option with a tiny motherboard, but the xbox actually has decent
components and the case is way better than those CPUs people are
throwing into lunch boxes. Besides, it's a cheap second computer that
you can take places to demo linux (it can run Mandrake and Debian).
C'mon, you know you want one...

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 12:16, Levi Bard wrote:
> Wouldn't it be easier just to get a video card with TV-out? I realize it
> may have less geek value, but c'mon! Besides, xbox is made by you know
> whom.
> Levi
> > The Linux Journal article on installing linux on the XBox has me
> > interested in trying this out. Imagine: you can run linux on your TV,
> > watch DVDs, a have a portable linux box to lug around and still play
> > XBox games (the least interesting aspect) for me. Anyone in the
> > Sarasota LUG interested in embarking on this for our next meeting? By
> > the way, sorry I missed our last meeting.

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