Yeah, I've noticed that most of the xboxes have a penguin sticker over
the xbox logo. it's kind of symbolic and stuff.
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 16:41, Levi Bard wrote:
> > MS loses money if you don't buy X-Box games. They're selling X-Boxes at
> > a loss. I know it is not possible, but bleeding MS dry would be such a
> > wonderful thing...
> Here's the thing - just by having an xbox, you're advertising for the
> product, and other people will buy games for the ones they buy. It's the
> same reason that having a pirate copy of windows doesn't really hurt MS -
> it just makes them that much closer to total ubiquity.
> > That said, I don't have an XBox, PS2, or Gamecube...
> > No point, really. I also have never finnished a video game --
> > except Super Mario World and Donkey Kong country on the old
> > SNES...
> I broke down and spent $50 on a PS1 shortly after the PS2 came out.
> (Although, had I known that my DVD player was going to get hit by
> lightning, I would have forked out for the PS2.)
> Levi
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