Re: [SLUG] Linux Job

Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 13:36:04 EDT

On 25 Jun 2003 at 18:09, Mario Lombardo wrote:

> Thereof, we were to become the automobile mechanic. Sure, we're good at what we do, but the market has adjusted the pay scale to the mass demand of IT; hence, the fall of salaries to represent that measure.

I think it's greed, pure greed. They lay off a productive programmer
getting 50 - 60 K a year and hire an H1B for half that price. They
sweeten the pot by offering a round trip ticket back to India each

They put it in their company paper-work that they saved X dollars
over last year. Makes the company stock go up artificially showings
an artificial savings. Next year they lay him off and hire someone
back in India and show yet another savings.

Problem is, they don't understand the program, and although they
speak English, they have great difficulty communicating. The
customer can't get what they wanted done, but the customers boss
is happy because it got a little cheaper. This is progress?
Personally I think they should close all business colleges before they
ruin the whole country.

This trend is happening all over. It started in manufacturing in the
80's. They replaced people with robots or moved the factories to
Mexico or off-shore. It has now hit IT hard. No wonder we are in a
recession. We will all be flipping burgers in the next 10 years. All
the other jobs will be elsewhere. If we are all flipping burgers, how
can we afford to buy the products they want to sell us. If we don't
buy, then that manufacturer or IT owner can't afford that BMW.

Paul Wilson

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