If it did have wireless what would be your answer.
That is good to know that they got bought out.
--- webguroo@tampabay.rr.com wrote:
> >>2: now it router has 4 ports on the back, does this mean that I can
> only have 4 computers using the router, or can I have 4 computers
> with 4 wireless computers on this router. How many can I
> have and at with what combination?
> It has one WAN and 4 LAN connections as well as a 25 pin printer
> port.
> >> 3: If I buy this router, do I have to buy siemens wireless card in
> order to have wireless acess?
> This one doesn't do wireless.
> >> 4: Is this a good router to have, or should I get a d-link or linksys
> router?
> Dunno. Evidently Siemens bought Efficient Networks in February
> and that's who's making the Speedstreams. Don't know anything
> about them.
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