On Tuesday 08 July 2003 06:18 pm, you wrote:
> steve wrote:
> > When you crimp RJ45 plugs/jacks use the B color scheme. A is seldom
> > used, this way you remain standard.
> Is B the one that has the orange pair on the left if you hold the jack
> with your thumb on top and your index finger against the clicky thingy?
> I couldn't dig up these standards in google. Anyone have a good link?
If you are holding a RJ45 plug with the snap in on the bottom looking at it
the way you would had you just unplugged it:
> > Don't force too tight 90 degree turns with the cable either.
> The zeroes can roll through, but the ones get their ends stuck.
Actually it's the fat zero's that get stuck : )
--Steve ___________ Sigless?
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