Re: [SLUG] Intel L440GX+ and Linux

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 23:05:24 EDT

On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 08:44:56AM -0400, Bradley Brown wrote:

> > Did you try changing the Driver line to "fbdev" (the framebuffer driver)
> > in the XF86Config-4 file?
> Where can I find information on framebuffer technology? What it does, how it
> works?
> Bradley

You can google for framebuffer. There's a HOWTO on it. Basically, on an
Intel box, Linux will deal directly with the video hardware. For
example, when painting a console, it will use the native screen font on
your machine. But this doesn't work on non-Intel hardware, or it doesn't
work the same way. The simple solution was to build a single software
solution for all platforms that abstracts the whole thing-- works on
Intel, Motorola, etc. That's framebuffer. It allows things like graphics
on a normally text-only console.

Personally, I hate framebuffer. My biggest complaint is that it's slower
than directly connecting to the video hardware. And my video is the last
thing I want slow response from. Plus, I've never had it work seamlessly
on any machine. Just my opinion.


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