I pay about $30/ month with httpme.com and also with weberz.com. they
have been pretty good to me.
On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 07:49, Steven Buehler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> - --- Seth Hollen <seth@hollen.org> wrote:
> > OUCH!
> > who is NTC? are they local?
> > I use 2 different hosts and and trying to
> > consolidate.
> NTC (according to their whois record) is based in Miami Beach. My
> sites are still not back up and all emails are being bounced with a
> 'domain not found' error.
> I am in the process of writing a demand letter for refund of fees and
> plan to follow it up with a small-claims action if not promptly
> repaid.
> Of course, I should have done my homework ahead of time--the web
> hosting review sites I looked at last night gave NTC consistently low
> marks becuase of their constant downtime and apparently they go in
> and post fake reviews to try and boost their own rating (or so they
> are accused of doing).
> I signed up last night with a company called WebIntellects, that got
> consistently high reviews on the web sites I looked at (second only
> to another company called iPowerWeb, but W/I offers Miva scripting,
> which IPW doesn't, and telnet access so I can actually get the SQL
> stuff properly set up). I'm now paying double what I was paying for
> NTC ($9.95/mo for "Linux Gold Plan" Hosting vs. $4.95/mo for NTC),
> but you apparently get what you pay for.
> Version: PGP 8.0
> iQA/AwUBPxU7r6ySsyO2+v55EQKVcACcD8ekHxZ+4JDfRdnMFk7vJjr5WqQAoOak
> c3RXKIbBQPInBhaH632noQGT
> =B1K3
> __________________________________
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