They are hosted out of the same center as some of our stuff, one row
down. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary last time I saw those guys. I
just emailed with one of the guys that runs their hosting yesterday, and
he didn't indicate anything was amiss... and we are negotiating a deal,
so its probably a transitory technical problem.
bpreece1 wrote:
> I have tried for the past 3 days to get on
> Now a webhosting ad seems to come up anyone know anything about this ?
> Bill Preece
-- -------------------------------------------------- -- Eric Bravick, Engineering Shock Trooper -- --- Networked Knowledge Systems --- ---- P.O. Box 20772 Tampa, FL. 33622-0772 ---- ----- (813)594-0060 Voice (813)594-0045 FAX ----- ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------- ----- This email bound by the following: ----- ---- ---- --------------------------------------------------
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