I would not post this URL about IT except that it is part of a bigger trend.
As most of you know I spent 10 years leaving some 3 years ago as an executive
recruiter in Energy, Electric Power, and Energy Research.
For my own interest I still keep up with the major trends in those industry
sectors. I do not follow any other sector so I do not have knowledge of them.
Anyway thouse of you seeking a job may want to read this article on the Energy
and Power sectors in order to broden your understanding of the issues.
Now quite a few of you are going to ask "What that has to do with me?"
If that is the case then I would suggest that you should check out SCADA.
Google would be a good place to start.
Point is from a technical the only difference in SCADA and Information
Technology is the content and source of the data. And! By source of data
thinks in terms of the originating device. Everything else is the same.
Including the use of Linus to move this data. In fact Linus is becomming a
big issue on the SCADA lists.
Oh yes there are a few major significant issues with SCADA that do not exist
with IT. All of these are in terms of legal and licensing which may or not
concern programmers or maintainers.
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