Audio CDs are fixed at 224 Kbps. Since you get much lower fidelity, you
should pay less. I have a problem with apple making profit when they
are doing next to nothing to earn it. I guess we just have to vote with
our money...
On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 13:33, Andrew M Hoerter wrote:
> On 29 Jul 2003, Eric Jahn wrote:
> > the problem with 79 cents per song is you get a compressed song, not the
> > CD quality original song, and you pay as much as a CD per song, yet they
> > have no distribution, retailing, packaging costs.
> I have a large CD collection which I've ripped into 192Kbps MP3s, and
> personally I can't tell the difference between the originals and the
> MP3s. At the higher quality levels I doubt most people could tell either.
> I've bought a few songs from the iTunes store, but never any full albums.
> For me it's an economic win because I can get tracks I want without paying
> for an album full of dross. For Apple it's profit. I don't see anything
> wrong with that.
> Also, I don't believe the iTunes stores charges sales tax (that can be
> almost an additional dollar or two for the price of a physical CD).
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