too phunny - your message was marked as SPAM by my SpamAssassin filter:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Buehler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 15:39
Subject: *****SPAM***** Re: [SLUG] Filtering KMAIL email to Delete Without
Using POP Filters
> This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached
> along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted
> mail in future. See for more details.
> Content preview: One of the things that SpamAssassin rates for is a fake
> "outlook express" header; it's probably put in so that spam checkers
> along the way will be faked into believing the message is being sent by
> a personal account rather than just a bulk spam mailer (which would be
> less likely to include all the extraneous headers). [...]
> Content analysis details: (9.70 points, 4.21 required)
> REFERENCES (-0.0 points) Has a valid-looking References header
> IMPOTENCE (2.9 points) BODY: Impotence cure
> PENIS_ENLARGE2 (2.1 points) BODY: Information on getting a larger
penis or breasts (2)
> HTML_20_30 (1.5 points) BODY: Message is 20% to 30% HTML
> HTML_FONT_BIG (0.2 points) BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up
> QUOTED_EMAIL_TEXT (-0.4 points) BODY: Contains what looks like a quoted
email text
> MAILTO_TO_SPAM_ADDR (0.7 points) URI: Includes a link to a likely spammer
email address
> FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD (2.7 points) 'From' does not match
'Received' headers
i'll stick to SpamAssassin for now - it has a very low false
positive/negative rate and it even catches the newer tricks smapmmers are
ps. the only check i don't like is FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD - because i (like you)
use an email address but i don't send it through
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