Re: [SLUG] Player for .mov and .rm recordings = ?

From: Frank Roberts - SOTL (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 17:51:52 EDT

On Monday 25 August 2003 11:34, Eben King wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:
> > I have not figured out what to play .mov recordings and Real .rm
> > recordings
> mplayer plays some *.mov (I guess it depends on the codec used). I have
> RealPlayer 7, and it works with most *.r[am] files.

Real Player is very similar to the old Netscape.
If you recall Netscape always reported to Net Central Command for ever action
on a computer you performed.
Real Player reports to Real Central Command about every song you play.
I have the same response about Real player as I have about Netscape [Mozelle].
Thanks but NO thinks.


PS Certain people on the list do not believe this about Mozelle - good.
All I know is that most of the code is the same and that many of the same
programmers who assembled Netscape assembled Mozelle.
My feelings are if they were slime balls at Netscape changing the name and
organization to Mozelle did not make them any less of a slime ball.
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