[SLUG] Cheapie Acer PC - Epilogue

From: Tim Wright (t.wright1@mindspring.com)
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 22:34:11 EST

My girlfriend's cheapie Acer Aspire is up and running Knoppix 3.3 as of this
evening. It's even found the build-in sound hardware, but I need to find a
way to turn the volume up.

Next step is moving the OS off the CD-ROM and onto the hard drive, then fine
tuning it to the hardware. I want to get passwords and accounts working
before turning it over to her.

Many thanks to SLUGers like Roblemo Miller for suggesting Knoppix, and to
Erik Jahn for a copy of SuSE, which although it didn't take to the Acer, the
diagnostics on the install CD helped me smoke out a bad hard drive and answer
some memory questions.
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