On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 19:07, Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 02:03:37PM -0500, Levi Bard wrote:
> Moreover, KDE and its ilk have been absent from both testing and
> unstable for months now, along with other critical packages. Funny thing
> is, guys like the Mepis guy have a working version of KDE3 in a distro
> based on Debian. (You can probably get ports of things like this from
> backports.org or apt-get.org, but why go all over to download critical
> packages?) And of course, it takes years to get out a new Debian
> release. The release manager has bitched at the packagers, but I don't
> know how much good it's done. I have to say that I think that Debian's
> bureaucracy and surfeit of rules makes the whole process way too lengthy
> and cumbersome.
I just read this morning in the, "Debian Weekly News," about something
that may interest you. It is called the "Debian Extra CD Project." It
is supposed to contain the aforementioned goodies that are not in Debian
I haven't personally tried it out, but I just thought I would throw it
The Logan
-- 06:55:01 up 28 days, 10:53, 3 users, load average: 0.05, 0.07, 0.19 Debian, give it a whirl! Wait, it already has one in its logo. Registered Linux User 277727 ICQ 72101412
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