Re: [SLUG] Linux distros; was: and

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 11:33:34 EST

On Feb 3, 2004, at 1:15 AM, Andrew M. Hoerter wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Derek Glidden wrote:
>> On the flip side, gentoo is getting more popular
> Gentoo seems to work well enough, although I'm not sure the "compile
> everything from source" approach is all that great an idea.

I should qualify my statement: "gentoo seems to be getting more popular
among the sorts of users who previously might have run Debian."

> I'm no Gentoo expert, perhaps there are workarounds and alternative
> methods of installation, etc.

Yeah, as others have pointed out, there are ways of doing a
binary-installation of gentoo now so you don't _have_ to do the
"compile everything" approach.

> 12" PB G4 here -- OS X is the best desktop environment I've used since,
> well, the older releases of MacOS. ;) And now that they've adopted
> the
> guts of NeXTSTEP it's a tough combination to beat. I still do some
> work
> in X11 on my SPARCstation, but for the most part the Mac is my daily
> workstation.

Same here. I'm using the powerbook for most things now it seems. If
only there were a decent terminal program for it though. (X11 is a
resource hog, iTerm is one of the ugliest pieces of software I've ever
seen,'s emulation sucks rocks...)

> Actually, you'd be surprised how much functionality provided by the GUI
> tools is also exposed through the CLI. Software Update, for example.

Oh sure. I wasn't trying to imply you have do go through the GUI.
Just that, for example, you can't replace Aqua (or whatever they want
to call it) with Windowmaker.

> And then there's AppleScript, which gives you direct access to an IPC
> mechanism used by applications to do all sorts of things (AppleScript
> and
> Apple Events are carryovers from older versions of MacOS, dating back
> at
> least a few years).

I've been seriously digging on Applescript lately. The language is
hideous (please, the next person who decides they want to design a
programming language that mimics "spoken english syntax" go see your
doctor and ask him to up your prescription dosage...) but the
functionality is really nice.

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