Re: [SLUG] An Open Letter to Slug

From: bpreece1 (
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 00:48:12 EST

> Mr. Meyer:
> Appreciate your concern about this situation being your previous
> however at this time neither Tom Ufer nor P. Foster at this time have to
> knowledge attempted to contact me about this.

Why did you not post this to ? Did you not understand how to
post a question to the list rather then to try to ask a Officer of the

>I cannot imagine that anyone can't take the time for a short email and
certainly by now have had time to consider

Also keep in mind the individuals you blame also have a bussiness to run. As
for when you get answered there is no set time limit.
If you mailed Tom's personal e-mail then Paul will not know about it. Again
you should have sent the question to to where over a few
hundred members are registered and would have been able to assist you by
seeing you needed help cause anyone on the list would have seen you needed

>Certainly there is enough fragmenting and non-cohesiveness in the community

Mr. Tomlinson, you did not properly go about how to get your answer to the
question you had.

   and I have no intentions 'feeding a fishing expedition'.Enough said about
> David

Mr. Tomlinson,
What you missed to understand is that you post your questions to the list
about distro or Linux problems.
Sending a question based on a problem with a particular distro is not what
the SLUG Officers e-mail addresses are listed for.
We are listed to contact us about SLUG! The mailing list you are in fact
getting this message from is where you ask! Down below a example on how to
post a question.

Example From: Mr.
                    Subject: Libranet's new archive

This is about Libranet's new archive. How come xyz blah blah will not?

This shows that the slug mailing list will get your post and then everyone
can reply! This is the proper way to get help and answers.

The sending a question to Tom's Personal address is not how you post to the
list to get your answer!
That's what you missed so thus the problem is not Tom, Paul, nor NKS. It
means you posted a question the wrong way!

Last and final Mr.Meyer gave you a very proper and great reply.

Again if you wish to be removed then follow the directions or ask to be
unsubscribed that simple.

This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.

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