[SLUG] RBLs and Exim. Sendmail user needs Exim user.

From: Logan Tygart (logan1304@comcast.net)
Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 21:11:25 EST

Howdy Slugadonia,

As a sendmail user, which I know well, I am suffering with Exim, which I
do not know well. Actually, I am just acquainting myself with it. I
have it up and running just fine, but I wish to take advantage of the
rbl_domains feature.

I want to find some "good" RBL lists, to incorporate them in my
exim.conf. After some googling, I surfed http://maps.vix.com/rbl/ but
the site gives me a 404.

Do you Exim users, apply the rbl_domains feature? If so, could you post
a list?

<side note> Yes yes, I could install Sendmail, but my favorite distro
comes automagically with Exim; so I figured I should learn it, as I feel
it is more up and coming. No, I do not want to play with any other MTA
right now, just Exim.</side note>.

The Logan

20:55:01 up 37 days, 53 min, 5 users, load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.26
May nothing huge ever fall on your head. -- Chicken Little
Registered Linux User: 277727 ICQ: 72101412 AIM/Yahoo: LoganTheClever

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