Re: [SLUG] Dreamweaver-like software

From: Joey Dale (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 22:06:07 EST

DW is the best but checkout bluefish


Paul M Foster wrote:

>My wife is using Macromedia's Dreamweaver to develop websites (running
>under CrossOver). DW is GUI, and allows for previewing sites before
>committing changes, and "templates", where parts of webpages are preset
>and can simply be included sort of like macros. The result is purely
>static HTML pages. DW is just a GUI aid to creating them. I'd really
>really like to find something under straight Linux that does a similar
>thing, so as to wean her off this. Anyone know of anything like this?
>(Zope and content management systems are _not_ the same as Dreamweaver,
>so those aren't valid alternatives.)
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