Now: SLUG crawl. WasRe: {SPAM?} [SLUG] Suncoast LUG Meetings

From: Logan Tygart (
Date: Sun Feb 29 2004 - 19:40:22 EST

On Sun, 2004-02-29 at 19:07, Paul M Foster wrote:
> SARASOTA/BRADENTON ***************************************
> 17 March 18:00-21:00 Sarasota
> (third Wednesday of each month)
> Honeywell
> 8323 Lindbergh Court
> Sarasota, FL
> See
If there ever was a time for the "Social Slug Meeting," loosely
translated to, "Beerfest," this would be the time: St. Patrick's Day.
In fact, I am going to talk to some locals and see if I can get a SLUG
crawl instead of a Pub Crawl for St. Paddys. What do you all think?!!?

For those of you who do not know what a Pub Crawl is... you buy a
t-shirt/arm band/Teal'c SG-1 forehead insignia, etc, for like $15 bucks
and then enjoy one free drink from each establishment that sponsors the
crawl, then move to the next sponsor. By the end of this quaffery, you
are probably crawling. If there are enough folks interested then I will
bludgeon the locals into compliance. If we achieve local compliance,
some of you GIMP savvy folk will have to design our logo!

Your drunken Irishman,

The Logan

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Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning? -- George W. Bush
ICQ: 72101412 AIM/Yahoo: LoganTheClever
Registered Linux User: 277727

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