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Hello! Thanks Rob! The procedures listed below worked, pretty much. I've got a
few gotchas. First, make sure that one of the excludes is /mnt; if you don't,
then you'll get a copy of the copy of everything you're trying to copy. (A
little lesson in recursion, there :-)
Don't forget to change the fstab entries, either. For me, it was one for the
new drive/mount points, and the other for the filesystem.
At this point, my only glitch is convincing / to mount as rw, but it won't,
since the program to check the filesystem is e2fsck...I've tried tracing it
down the line, but it hasn't worked so far. What do I change to have my xfs
filesystem checked, instead of ext2?
> > So...pointers? Answers? Help?
> >
> > Russell
> As root of coarse ;-)
> # Make mount point
> mkdir /mnt/new_hd
> # Mount all the partitions together... replace ROOT, HOME etc. with the
> # proper device (e.g. /dev/hda1).
> mount -t xfs /dev/ROOT /mnt/new_hd
> mount -t xfs /dev/HOME /mnt/new_hd/home
> mount -t xfs /dev/USR /mnt/new_hd/usr
> mount -t xfs /dev/TMP /mnt/new_hd/tmp
> mount -t xfs /dev/VAR /mnt/new_hd/var
> # Use rsync to archive all the files onto the new HD. Add more
> # --exclude=/DIRif needed, one for each /DIR you want to exclude.
> # Use --dry-run to see what will be copied and remove it to do the actual
> # sync.
> rsync -av --progress --exclude=/proc --dry-run / /mnt/new_hd
> # Make the new /proc directory
> mkdir /mnt/new_hd/proc
> # If you want to copy the master boot record over to the new HD. Replace
> # OLD_HD and NEW_HD with the proper /dev (e.g. /dev/hda)
> dd if=/dev/OLD_HD of=/dev/NEW_HD bs=512 count=1
> # Unmount the new partitions
> umount /mnt/new_hd/var /mnt/new_hd/tmp /mnt/new_hd/usr \
> /mnt/new_hd/home /mnt/new_hd
> That should get you going.
> The optional master boot record copying above assumes that the /boot dir is
> on the same partition on both the old and new HD's and it looks like its in
> / so as long as / is on the same partition on both HD's you should be fine.
> (e.g. / == /dev/hda1 on both).
> The /etc/mtab will be rebuilt when you reboot. Only currently mounted file
> systems are listed in mtab.
> Hope that helps. Good luck.
> -- Rob
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