Re: [SLUG] "1777" protection in Pine?

From: Eric Herrera (
Date: Tue Mar 23 2004 - 20:19:02 EST wrote:
> I read the man page on chmod and it says that Linux ignores the 'sticky'
> bit. I did the 'chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail' as root and am still getting
> the error.
> I read in a newsgroup that it was an issue with the IMAP daemon and not with
> Pine, but there was no solution offered. It doesn't seem to affect the
> ability to read or send mail (by the way, there's only two accounts on the
> system, mine and my wife's).
> More ideas?

yes, ignores sticky-bit in the "sticky"(memory retention) sense when applied to
executables. read about STICKY DIRECTORIES in the man page or what the others
have stated.

> > I'm getting an interesting message in Pine:
> >
> > "Folder vulnerable - Directory /var/spool/mail must have 1777
> > protection"

Hmmm. interesting coincidence that you should mention this error msg. I had a
similar one on a system last week. It is one of those leased Virtual Dedicated
Servers(VDS). It was a recent acquire and was freshly imaged, with whatever crap
they install by default. So when poking around in /var/log/maillog, I found:

Mar 19 11:46:14 www ipop3d[30218]: Mailbox vulnerable - directory
/var/spool/mail must have 1777 protection

Well, I didn't feel like finding out why it was b*tching, so I chmod'd it and
havent seen the message since. :-P

Ok, so you chmod'd it to 1777 because "it" told you /var/spool/mail "must have
1777 protection" and its still b*tching about it.. with the same message? hmm.

$ ls -ld /var/spool/mail/
drwxrwxrwt ........ /var/spool/mail

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