Re: [SLUG] A question of databases

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 11:46:36 EDT

>>Didn't I see that GRASS can do layers and it can also read SHP files?
>>I also believe that it can use the TIGRE data, in which case all of the
>>street data is in there, you just have to find the street data and
>>display it.
I have used TIGER (census) data with GRASS, and it can display street
maps (for that matter, you are supposed to be able to scan-in raster
maps and use a GRASS tool to calibrate them (click on three known points
on the map, and tell GRASS their coordinates)). I just wanted to make
it clear that GRASS will not tell you the street address, it will only
display a graphic of the street map with the desired point plotted (not
exactly what a 911 operator wants?)

>>I am going to have to get GRASS going on a machine and start playing
>>with it.
>>By way I installed RH 9 told it to install the db stuff which is said
>>it did but then when I try to start either MySQL or PostrgreSQL, using
>>WebMin (I am remote from the machine that has the db stuff on it) it
>>comes back saying that it appears that the db has not been installed.
With postgres, you must run 'initdb' to set-up the data directory (and
the postmaster CANNOT be started as 'root' (it will fail); you
traditionally start postgres as the user named 'postgres', who must also
own the database files):

mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
su -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D/usr/local/pgsql/data" postgres
su -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D/usr/local/pgsql/data -i" postgres

To open 'psql' (the interactive SQL tool):
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -Upostgres template1

Note that template1 is the default database. From inside psql, you
would want to create a new database to work with:

\c utilpart
CREATE TABLE trucks (id serial, name text);

>>This is all new to mew getting a db up and running so I am going to
>>have to figure out what is going on there.
>>Chuck Hast

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